Electricity from fossil fuel is less economical than utilities want you to think. Use the slider below to see how much electricity from the grid will cost you over 25 years.
The True Costs of Fossil Fuels
Understanding Your Energy Cost
Massachusetts electric prices are comparatively among the most expensive in the nation. Rates increase around 5% every year, but some years vary. In 2015, National Grid rates rose 37% while Eversource climbed 29%.² The price tag on conventional electricity reflects all power plant operations, such as transmission and distribution costs. Since most of the electricity from the grid is not produced locally, many of its fees derive from just transporting it to you.
The majority of electricity from the grid is produced from fossil fuels, especially natural gas. Fossil fuels account for over 80% of all energy consumption in the U.S., totaling over $600 billion annually in spending.¹ Consequently, fossil fuel subsidies cost each person over $2,000 per year.
Understanding Your Environmental Impact
Beyond high electric rates, we’re paying for the total cost of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases – just under the radar. Air pollution, land degradation, and biodiversity loss inflict hidden costs on society by threatening human health and our climate. Damages from climate change cost the U.S. $240 billion every year and that figure is projected to double between 2025 and 2100 in coastal states alone.³
But the clean energy revolution is just beginning. With solar, homeowners and businesses now control where their energy comes from, saving thousands of dollars and greenhouse gas emissions.

Save Money, Lower Your Impact
The highest cost to you and the environment is staying with your utility company. We’ll provide a no-cost assessment to
give you the tools you need to go solar. No commitment or pushy sales reps, just valuable information for being greener.
The highest cost to you and the environment is staying with your utility company. We’ll provide a no-cost assessment to give you the tools you need to go solar. No commitment or pushy sales reps, just valuable information for being greener.